Saturday, September 17, 2011

Aurelia Mae-Ellyn Larsen

So, I haven't gotten the chance to update this blog for a long while! It's defintely been a little too long, lol! Guess time flys by when you're having a baby...

Since I was scheduled for induction on 9/10/11, we showed up at the hospital at 7:00am that morning, with it being a busy morning and not enough rooms/beds to go around we had to sit around and wait. When we finally did get a room/bed (it was almost 1pm), they came in and checked and I was already 3cm and 50% effaced having contractions (that apparently I didn't even know I was having, lol...). Petocin was started to help my labor process along and when I reached about 5cm I ended up getting my water broken and an Epidural. Since I really wasn't feeling anything as the Epidural worked a little too well, we let the baby labor down on her own, this made the labor process longer, but I only remember pushing 3 times and she was born...

Aurelia Mae-Ellyn Larsen joined our family at 7:54pm on 9/10/11 weighing in at 7lbs 7oz, 18.5" tall and her head was 13.5" in diameter.

She is already 1 week old today, here are some pictures...

It was too hard to just pick one picture of her...

She is being well loved by her big brother and big sister.