Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So, J Dude recently turned 18 months a couple of days ago...

We went to his 18 month well baby check-up today. He is 25.5lbs, stands 32 1/8" tall and has a really big head measuring at 51cm.

He loves to play with his sister, some of his favorite toys are Lego's and Chuck the Talking Truck. He also likes to play at the park, loves to climb.

J Dude loves to eat, some of his favorite foods are Spaghetti, Macaroni and Cheese and he loves Green Beans. This is what happens after he eats a good dinner followed by 8oz of milk...

When he hears the phone ring he will say "har-row". The other morning I found him wrapped up in Garland and he looked up at me and said "uh-oh, pagetti-o". J Dude also loves to flirt with the girls...

Have to admit that he is one handsome dude...

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