In our house we go through quite a bit of Macaroni and Cheese, so you figure that it doesn't hurt to have it around! It's makes a good meal for both kids and adults here in this house...
Well what is even better is getting it for FREE!
Here we have 16 boxes of Annie's Macaroni and Cheese it's even Organic, lol.
Well, here is what I paid for it!
I paid with coupons, so the TOTAL BALANCE DUE: $0.00! What's not to like about FREE food?
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
My Little Angry Bird
One of my good friends spontanelously decided she was going to make my baby something...
Well I must say, we know what she is going to be for Halloween this year!
Although, I must say that our little Angry Bird does not look all that angry and she isn't all that scary either...
Well I must say, we know what she is going to be for Halloween this year!
Got to admit that this little girl makes anything look good...
Ready to go "Trick -or- treating".
Although, I must say that our little Angry Bird does not look all that angry and she isn't all that scary either...
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Aurelia Mae-Ellyn Larsen
So, I haven't gotten the chance to update this blog for a long while! It's defintely been a little too long, lol! Guess time flys by when you're having a baby...
Since I was scheduled for induction on 9/10/11, we showed up at the hospital at 7:00am that morning, with it being a busy morning and not enough rooms/beds to go around we had to sit around and wait. When we finally did get a room/bed (it was almost 1pm), they came in and checked and I was already 3cm and 50% effaced having contractions (that apparently I didn't even know I was having, lol...). Petocin was started to help my labor process along and when I reached about 5cm I ended up getting my water broken and an Epidural. Since I really wasn't feeling anything as the Epidural worked a little too well, we let the baby labor down on her own, this made the labor process longer, but I only remember pushing 3 times and she was born...
Aurelia Mae-Ellyn Larsen joined our family at 7:54pm on 9/10/11 weighing in at 7lbs 7oz, 18.5" tall and her head was 13.5" in diameter.
She is already 1 week old today, here are some pictures...
It was too hard to just pick one picture of her...
She is being well loved by her big brother and big sister.
Since I was scheduled for induction on 9/10/11, we showed up at the hospital at 7:00am that morning, with it being a busy morning and not enough rooms/beds to go around we had to sit around and wait. When we finally did get a room/bed (it was almost 1pm), they came in and checked and I was already 3cm and 50% effaced having contractions (that apparently I didn't even know I was having, lol...). Petocin was started to help my labor process along and when I reached about 5cm I ended up getting my water broken and an Epidural. Since I really wasn't feeling anything as the Epidural worked a little too well, we let the baby labor down on her own, this made the labor process longer, but I only remember pushing 3 times and she was born...
Aurelia Mae-Ellyn Larsen joined our family at 7:54pm on 9/10/11 weighing in at 7lbs 7oz, 18.5" tall and her head was 13.5" in diameter.
She is already 1 week old today, here are some pictures...
She is being well loved by her big brother and big sister.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Gift from Grandma & Grandpa
During a recent visit to the Big Apple we a chance to see Grandma and Grandpa. Since their visit was a little short and they weren't here for Jerrick's 2nd Birthday, mom and dad were given instructions on helping them select a proper gift...
So we put our creativity to work and started searching high and low for the perfect gift.
After a couple hours worth of work, J Dude needed to do a quality inspection. He found that although this was fun, it was missing something...
So he discussed it with his friends over some cake and ice cream:
And they all agreed, daddy needed to go back to work. So he brought in some help and went back to work...
So, in sweltering 90+ degree heat and humidity (the hottest days of the year so far), progress was slow but steady. Under constant supervision by his two chief executive officers.
The construction project started to take shape...
Our little supervisors slowly checked things out to make sure that highest level of quality was achieved while putting this together...
It's good to know that even Sophie (the dog) approved of this.
Being that J Dude doesn't seem to think that you can have much fun alone, he decided to share this great gift with his sister...
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for such a great gift that is appropriate for years of fun!
So we put our creativity to work and started searching high and low for the perfect gift.
After a couple hours worth of work, J Dude needed to do a quality inspection. He found that although this was fun, it was missing something...
So he discussed it with his friends over some cake and ice cream:
And they all agreed, daddy needed to go back to work. So he brought in some help and went back to work...
So, in sweltering 90+ degree heat and humidity (the hottest days of the year so far), progress was slow but steady. Under constant supervision by his two chief executive officers.
The construction project started to take shape...
Our little supervisors slowly checked things out to make sure that highest level of quality was achieved while putting this together...
It's good to know that even Sophie (the dog) approved of this.
Being that J Dude doesn't seem to think that you can have much fun alone, he decided to share this great gift with his sister...
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for such a great gift that is appropriate for years of fun!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
2 Years Old
It's hard to think, but my little baby boy turned 2 on Friday May 27th. It's hard to think that he is already 2 years old. Seems like just yesterday he was just a little baby...
Just today he went for his 2 year well baby check up. He weighs in at 30lbs 12oz which has him in the 80th% for weight, Height is 33.5" which has him at 25th% and his head measures at 20.5 which puts him in 95th%...
He got to have some friends over on his Birthday to help him eat some cake and ice cream!
J Dude loves to eat Green Beans, he also likes Strawberry Milk. He loves to play in the water, but hates taking a bath to get clean. You can however convince him to take showers, but the soap is a little questionable to him...
Oh and lets not forget that he is an excellent climber...
He totally climbed up there on HIS OWN with NO HELP! I don't think he thought about what he was going to do with himself once he got up there...
Needless to say, we are ready for the adventure from 2 - 3.
It was only just about a year ago we moved from VA to PA and J Dude was about a year old at the time...
Just today he went for his 2 year well baby check up. He weighs in at 30lbs 12oz which has him in the 80th% for weight, Height is 33.5" which has him at 25th% and his head measures at 20.5 which puts him in 95th%...
He got to have some friends over on his Birthday to help him eat some cake and ice cream!
J Dude loves to eat Green Beans, he also likes Strawberry Milk. He loves to play in the water, but hates taking a bath to get clean. You can however convince him to take showers, but the soap is a little questionable to him...
Oh and lets not forget that he is an excellent climber...
He totally climbed up there on HIS OWN with NO HELP! I don't think he thought about what he was going to do with himself once he got up there...
Needless to say, we are ready for the adventure from 2 - 3.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Bella's Room
So recently I decided to paint Bella's Room...
Here are some before pictures back from when we just moved in:
The colors were picked based off her current bedding set. The wall that her dresser is on was inspired by a very artistic and crafty mama who always has some great suggestions and tips, she painted one for her son's nursery and I decided to try it! It's kind of hard to tell because the lighting isn't all that good...
I still need to hang her curtains, which are pink and match her bedding and the pink on the wall. She also has letters that need to be hung above her bed, LoL!
Here are some before pictures back from when we just moved in:
Here are some pictures of her room after it was recently painted:
The colors were picked based off her current bedding set. The wall that her dresser is on was inspired by a very artistic and crafty mama who always has some great suggestions and tips, she painted one for her son's nursery and I decided to try it! It's kind of hard to tell because the lighting isn't all that good...
I still need to hang her curtains, which are pink and match her bedding and the pink on the wall. She also has letters that need to be hung above her bed, LoL!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Boy or Girl?
Boy or Girl? That has been the million dollar question lately...
It is hard to think that I am already at 20w in my pregnancy, since most likely if I haven't already gone into labor on my own I will be induced at around 39w (J Dude was born at 39w1d). That means I have less weeks ahead and more weeks behind me. So, in other words I am already past the halfway mark, LoL!
I haven't really done anything with the soon to be nursery yet, so that will make for a good blog some other time. We have lots of painting to do and a nursery to put together.
Here are some pictures from the 20w scan...
And the answer to the million dollar question...
We will be welcoming Maebella Ellyn Larsen into our family sometime around the first week of September...
It is hard to think that I am already at 20w in my pregnancy, since most likely if I haven't already gone into labor on my own I will be induced at around 39w (J Dude was born at 39w1d). That means I have less weeks ahead and more weeks behind me. So, in other words I am already past the halfway mark, LoL!
I haven't really done anything with the soon to be nursery yet, so that will make for a good blog some other time. We have lots of painting to do and a nursery to put together.
Here are some pictures from the 20w scan...
Thumb/Finger Sucking...
And the answer to the million dollar question...
We will be welcoming Maebella Ellyn Larsen into our family sometime around the first week of September...
Friday, January 14, 2011
Dyeing Yarn
Recently I was feeling a little inspired and decided to take the plunge at dying some 100% Wool yarn (this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I have an addiction for yarns off HC and Etsy). I did a little research on the internet and asked some of the lovely ladies on Hyena Cart who I constantly buy yarn from for some input. I had decided since I am no expert at this I would keep it relatively low cost, so I got some Patons 100% wool yarn for JoAnn Fabrics for about $4.99 and some Kool Aid for about .20 a pack.
You want to use an animal fiber based yarn for Kool Aid dyeing, plant fibers won't take the Kool Aid dye correctly. Also, don't use the Kool Aid that is pre-sweetened, you need the original Kool Aid packets that have NO sugar or sweeteners added in them...
I took my yarn and wound it into a loose skein and tied it at 2 ends, then I let is soak in some warm water with a tiny bit of dish soap.
While the yarn was soaking in the warm water and dish soap I mixed up all my Kool Aid colors. I decided to go with 4 different colors. I wanted some vivid colors, so I used quite a few packs of Kool Aid, something else to keep in mind is that the more water you use to mix up the dye the less vivid or concentrated the color will be. Don't be afraid to experiment with color and have fun!
There are 2 basic methods of setting the dye into the yarn: stove top or microwave. I figured I am already messing up my kitchen so why not NUKE my yarn while I am at it, so I choose the microwave method. So, I took my yarn gently squeezed out the excess water and put it in the bottom of an Pyrex pan, you figure that Kool Aid is non-toxic. I put about 2 cups of hot water and 1/2 cup of White Distilled Vinegar into the Pyrex Pan with the yarn in it. Now the fun part, the colors. I took the 4 colors I had pre-mixed and poured one into each corner of the Pyrex Pan. I then put this into the microwave and microwaved it for 2 minutes. Then I let it rest for 2 minutes, then I zapped it again for 2 minutes. I kept doing this until the water was clear, this means color has been absorbed by the yarn, which means it is time to pour out all the water.
BE CAREFUL as the water is hot, you will felt your yarn if you agitate it prior to being completely cooled. Also be careful when you drain the water as both the water and the yarn will be VERY HOT. Let the yarn cool completely prior to rinsing it, if you burn your fingers while doing this it will make it difficult for you to knit up your new colorway you just created.

Above is what my yarn looked like after being rinsed out and cooled. The next step was to hang it up to dry, which took FOREVER in my opinion as it took 2 whole days for it to fully dry.
Once it dried I wound it into a skein and this is what the final colorway looks like:
I love how it turned out! So, now it is time to name this colorway, any suggestions? I am thinking about naming it "Sangria Punch", but am open to what you all think...
You want to use an animal fiber based yarn for Kool Aid dyeing, plant fibers won't take the Kool Aid dye correctly. Also, don't use the Kool Aid that is pre-sweetened, you need the original Kool Aid packets that have NO sugar or sweeteners added in them...
I took my yarn and wound it into a loose skein and tied it at 2 ends, then I let is soak in some warm water with a tiny bit of dish soap.
While the yarn was soaking in the warm water and dish soap I mixed up all my Kool Aid colors. I decided to go with 4 different colors. I wanted some vivid colors, so I used quite a few packs of Kool Aid, something else to keep in mind is that the more water you use to mix up the dye the less vivid or concentrated the color will be. Don't be afraid to experiment with color and have fun!
There are 2 basic methods of setting the dye into the yarn: stove top or microwave. I figured I am already messing up my kitchen so why not NUKE my yarn while I am at it, so I choose the microwave method. So, I took my yarn gently squeezed out the excess water and put it in the bottom of an Pyrex pan, you figure that Kool Aid is non-toxic. I put about 2 cups of hot water and 1/2 cup of White Distilled Vinegar into the Pyrex Pan with the yarn in it. Now the fun part, the colors. I took the 4 colors I had pre-mixed and poured one into each corner of the Pyrex Pan. I then put this into the microwave and microwaved it for 2 minutes. Then I let it rest for 2 minutes, then I zapped it again for 2 minutes. I kept doing this until the water was clear, this means color has been absorbed by the yarn, which means it is time to pour out all the water.
BE CAREFUL as the water is hot, you will felt your yarn if you agitate it prior to being completely cooled. Also be careful when you drain the water as both the water and the yarn will be VERY HOT. Let the yarn cool completely prior to rinsing it, if you burn your fingers while doing this it will make it difficult for you to knit up your new colorway you just created.
Once it dried I wound it into a skein and this is what the final colorway looks like:
I love how it turned out! So, now it is time to name this colorway, any suggestions? I am thinking about naming it "Sangria Punch", but am open to what you all think...
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